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Dear parents,

We will be on school holidays soon. The training schedule will be as follows:


31.1. ➤ trainings are not held at all sports venues


10 - 16.2. ➤ Prague 1 - 5 ➤ no trainings in MASNÁ

17 - 22.2. ➤ Prague 6 - 10 ➤ no trainings in BUBENEČ and DEJVICE

⚠️ However, if you are staying with your children in Prague during the spring holidays, they can train at a sports field in the part of Prague that does not have holidays in that week. For example, a child normally trains in Masná, but during the holidays in Prague 1, he/she can come to training in Bubeneč or Dejvice.

You will proceed as follows:

1➤ On the page in the link below, go to the Training Groups table (member page, so you must be logged in to the website)

2➤ Look there at training sessions at another sports venues of the same color category in which your children are enrolled (Prague 1 to Prague 6 and vice versa). Your children can then come to these training sessions


We would also like to invite you to the first tournament in the second half of the year. We sent you a newsletter about it, so now you can find more information directly on the membership page.

Tennis School Tournaments | Masná Court

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