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Tennis lessons for adults

Group tennis lessons for adults
(we also speak English)

A great way to practice and improve your game. Learn with players of a similar level and get professional coaching advice from experienced qualified coaches.

Basic information

The operator of the tennis school is Dráčkova jazyková mateřská škola Beachclub Strahov, z.s., tennis section.

Kurz 6 týdnů  •  15.4. - 30.6. 2024  •  Út, St, Čt

(dle rozdělení do skupin)

Basic price CZK 860 / hour for complete services. More about prices ➤

Hřiště Masná, Masná 977, Praha 1, 110 00

Training groups have only 2 - 4 people.

Trenéři a trenérky.

Základní informace

Provozovatelem tenisové školy je Dráčkova jazyková mateřská školy Beachclub Strahov, z.s., oddíl tenisu.

6 week course • 15.4. - 30.6. 2024 • Tue, Wed, Thu

(according to division into groups)

Basic price CZK 860 / hour for complete services. More about prices ➤

Hřiště Masná, Masná 977, Praha 1, 110 00

Tréninkové skupiny mají pouze 2 - 4 osob.


Tennis courses for adults - in a group or individually.

A great way to practice and improve your game. Learn with players of a similar level and get professional coaching advice from experienced qualified coaches.

⏲︎  courses from April 2025

𖠋  groups for 2 - 4 people

Progress at your own pace from beginner to intermediate level. In a group or individually. Develop your skills and learn from experienced coaches. In a group you will meet new playing partners, with whom you can even play after the course ends.

BEGINNERS ➤ you have held the racket in your hand a maximum of 10 times

SLIGHTLY ADVANCED ➤ you play approximately 10 times a year

MEDIUM ADVANCED ➤ you play approximately 2 – 3 times a month

  If you need more information about the course, write to us HERE ➤➤

The trainers will assess your skills and offer you the training option that best suits your level.

Select the date(s) in the lesson calendar and you can pay for them online HERE ➤➤

One group training session always lasts 60 or 90 minutes.

Course inquiry

I am interested in:
Kurzy tenisu pro dospělé | Hřiště Masná

Class Schedule


For new tennis players just starting out or those struggling with basics like forehand and backhand technique and consistency. Coaching includes drills and games that constantly familiarize players with technique and system of play:

➤ teaching basic strokes

➤ service

➤ how to keep score

Kurzy tenisu pro dospělé | Hřiště Masná

Training groups • Course levels

Progress at your own pace from beginner to intermediate level. Develop your skills and learn from experienced trainers. At the same time, you will meet new playing partners in the group, with whom you can perhaps play even after the end of the course.

BEGINNERS ➤ I held the racket in my hand max. 10 times

SLIGHT PROGRESS ➤ I play about 10 times a year

MEDIUM ADVANCED ➤ I play about 2-3 times a month

Kurzy tenisu pro dospělé | Hřiště Masná

Basic information

Hřiště Masná | Masná 977/14 | Prague 1


We train in small groups for a maximum of 2-4 people .


 Courses from April 2025


Progress at your own pace from beginner to intermediate level. Develop your skills and learn from experienced coaches. In the process, you will meet new playing partners in the group, with whom you can even play after the course ends.

Kurzy tenisu pro dospělé | Hřiště Masná
Kurzy tenisu pro dospělé | Hřiště Masná

Training groups

BEGINNERS ➤ you have held the racket in your hand a maximum of 10 times


MID-ADVANCED ➤ you play approximately 10 times a year

MEDIUM ADVANCED ➤ you play approximately 2 – 3 times a month

Kurzy tenisu pro dospělé | Hřiště Masná

Organization of courses

➤ If you need more information about the course, write to us HERE ➤➤

The trainers will assess your skills and offer you the training option that best suits your level.

Select the date(s) in the lesson calendar and you can pay for them online HERE ➤➤

The training of one group always lasts 60 or 90 minutes.

Kurzy tenisu pro dospělé | Hřiště Masná
MUDr. Vít Mařík | Hřiště Masná

MUDr. Vít Mařík


Tenisové školy

Filip Zahrádka | Hřiště Masná

Filip Zahrádka


Mgr. Tereza Tocháčková

Mgr. Tereza Tocháčková


Natálie Kohoutková| Hřiště Masná

Natálie Kohoutková


Filip Dočkálek | Hřiště Masná

Filip Dočkálek


Adam Dočkálek | Hřiště Masná

Adam Dočkálek


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